
We, the companies of Boerse Stuttgart Group, Stuttgart, are happy that you have visited our websites and that you are interested in the Stuttgart Exchange. The protection of your personal data is very important to us. For this reason our business processes are carried out in observance of the applicable data security and personal data protection legislation.

Here we would like to let you know what information we might collect, how we handle this information and to whom it may be disclosed.

1. Collection and processing of non-personal and personal data

When you visit our websites, our webservers store the IP address that you have been allocated by your Internet service provider. This is a standard procedure. They also store the name of the website from which you visit us, the pages that you visit on our website as well as the date and the duration of your visit. The data in question is non-personal data. On the other hand, personal data, such as your name, your address or your email address, are only captured and stored via our website if you voluntarily make them available to us (such as in a survey, on registering or on signing up for a newsletter).

2. Use and disclosure of non-personal and personal data and earmarking of the data for a specific purpose

The abovementioned non-personal data enables us to judge how attractive our website is. We also use this data to improve the efficiency and the contents of our Internet presence. All personal data is collected, processed and used solely for the purpose of the services you have selected and to process your enquiries in line with the applicable provisions. If external service providers are engaged to process the data we ensure that they are carefully selected and monitored in accordance with the legal requirements and that they undertake to comply with data privacy law. The transmission of personal data to governmental bodies and authorities is not automatic, but only takes place in certain cases when required by law (e.g. by the German Stock Exchange Act (Börsengesetz) or the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz)).

3. Cookies: information that is automatically stored on your computer.

When you visit our websites we may store information on your computer in the form of a cookie. We do this so that your computer can be recognised the next time you visit our websites. This enables us to customise a website in accordance with your interests, for instance, or to store your password so that you do not have to enter it every time you visit the web pages. If you do not want us to recognise your computer, please adjust the settings of your Internet browser so that it deletes cookies on your hard disk, blocks all cookies or warns you before a cookie is stored. However, you should be aware that if you do not accept cookies, this may restrict the functions of the services offered on our website.

4. Data security

Boerse Stuttgart Group takes technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised or unintentional deletion, manipulation, loss, unauthorised disclosure and/or unauthorised access.

5. Links to other websites

The websites of Boerse Stuttgart Group also contain links to other websites. We do not accept any responsibility for data privacy on these other websites nor for the contents of such websites.

6. Right to information

On request you will be notified in writing and within the framework of applicable law whether we have stored any personal data about you and, if so, what personal data this is. If we have stored any incorrect information despite our efforts to ensure that the data is accurate and up to date, this will be rectified at your request.

If you have any questions or comments on the subject of data protection at Boerse Stuttgart Group, please contact the Data Protection Officer of Boerse Stuttgart AG

Data Protection Office:
Mrs. Yvonne Piater

Boerse Stuttgart cats GmbH
Börsenstraße 4
70174 Stuttgart
